Game Development Essentials: An Introduction (4th Edition)

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The fourth edition of Game Development Essentials: An Introductionย takes readers on a fascinating journey through the game development process and the industry itself.

This thoroughly updated, highly anticipated new edition includes 12 chapters divided into three parts: The chapters in Part I explore game development history, platforms, genres, and player stats. Part II delves into content creation and concepts behind story and character development, gameplay, level design, interface design, and audio. Finally, Part III focuses on team roles, production, management, and marketing. All the current industry trends and technologies are coveredโ€”including: next-generation platforms PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S; usability and accessibility; virtual, mixed, and augmented reality; and development tools and techniques. Game Development Essentials: An Introduction is the starting point for anyone whoโ€™s interested in learning everything there is to know about the thriving, fast-moving game industry.

  • High-impact game screenshots, photos, diagrams, and illustrations.
  • Revealing case studies, profiles, quotes, and tips contributed by industry experts.
  • Insightful objectives, exercises, notes, and sidebars that help readers hone their critical thinking skills.

Additional information

Weight3.2 lbs
Dimensions10 × 8 × 1.5 in
ISBN9781954416000 (Softcover)
ISBN9781954416017 (Hardcover)
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