Instructor ResourcesThanks for your interest in the Instructor Resources (IR) for the fourth edition of Game Development Essentials: An Introduction. Only verified instructors will be granted access to these resources for a fee. Please complete this Educator Verification form for consideration. All fields below are required. After we’ve finalized the verification process, you or your associated organization will be able to purchase access to the IR – and we will follow up with access instructions.Note: These resources are only available to instructors who are currently teaching courses that use the fourth edition of Game Development Essentials: An Introduction as a textbook. If you teach at an educational institution that has not yet adopted the book, please contact [email protected] Email Address *Must contain an ".edu" address that corresponds with the educational institution below.First Name *Last Name *Title (e.g., Professor) *Educational Institution *Course Number *Must be using the fourth edition of Game Development Essentials in course.Course Title *Must be using the fourth edition of Game Development Essentials in course.Verification Link *Please ensure that this link is public and shows the official relationship between your name and the educational institution above (e.g., school directory listing). If a verification link is unavailable, please contact [email protected] with your credentials.Please check this box if you’re interested in finding out more about our curriculum development services.Terms of Service *I understand that the Instructor Resources are available as a courtesy and are not for sale. I certify that I will not sell the materials provided and will not allow students or other third parties to gain access to information marked as “CONFIDENTIAL” (such as exams and answer keys) to avoid academic misconduct, dishonesty or integrity violations.Submit